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An overview of the scenes of the twelve-minute development

Of all the games presented at this year's digital E3 event, Twelve minutes must be one of the most intriguing. From the spirit of Luis Antonio (former artistic director of Ubisoft and the main artist of The Witness), Twelve Minutes is an interactive thriller based on a temporal loop, following the 12 minutes during which a man's life is upset. The game has a stars cast, with James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe who all lend their voice.

Not later than today, a backstage video was published by exclusive Collider on YouTube, in which the actors and Luis Antonio himself discuss the themes of the game as well as the process of expression of the main characters. In the interviews, McAvoy exposes his point of view on the central theme of the game: "Twelve Minutes talks about the danger of really looking inside, really looking deep and trying to unravel your actions".

The video describes the techniques used to save the voicemail lines, since all the recording has been made remotely. The actors read lines on zoom calls, allowing them to rebound one on the others and work together on their performances. McAvoy described his work experience with Dafoe Online: "By doing so via zoom with him, we can make decisions based on a reaction, not just what I think my line should be".

To see the full video, including the view of Luis Antonio on the creation of the game, the reflections of Daisy Ridley on the interactive narration and many records of vocal lines, you can consult the link below:

Twelve minutes should go out on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series S / X on August 19, 2021 - Exclusively on Xbox console, it will also be available when launched with the Xbox Game Pass! If you want to be notified of its output, you can add Twelve minutes to your Steam wish list now.

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